
“Sports idioms are not just a means of communication in the realm of athletics; they have also become an integral part of everyday English language. In order to sound more like a native speaker, it is essential to master these 30 sports idioms that effortlessly blend into our conversations. For instance, when faced with a challenging situation, one can use the phrase ‘ball is in your court’ to indicate that it is now the other person’s turn to take action. Similarly, to convey the idea of being well-prepared, the idiom ‘in the bag’ can be employed, as in ‘I have been studying for weeks, so the exam is in the bag.’ By incorporating these idioms into our speech, we can enhance our fluency and sound more natural in English conversations.”



1. “Knock it out of the park” – 在棒球中意味着完美地击球,也可以用来形容在其他领域中取得巨大成功。

例句:She really knocked it out of the park with her presentation.

2. “Throw in the towel” – 源自拳击比赛,意味着放弃或认输。

例句:After hours of studying, he finally threw in the towel and went to bed.

3. “On the ball” – 意味着保持警觉和专注。

例句:She is always on the ball and never misses any details.

4. “Get a second wind” – 意味着重新获得能量或动力。

例句:After a short break, she got a second wind and finished the race strong.

5. “Hit the ground running” – 意味着立即开始并迅速取得进展。

例句:He joined the new company and hit the ground running, quickly adapting to his new role.

6. “Play hardball” – 意味着采取强硬的态度或行动。

例句:During the negotiation, they decided to play hardball and refused to make any concessions.

7. “Go the extra mile” – 意味着付出额外的努力或做更多的事情。

例句:She always goes the extra mile to help her colleagues.

8. “Level playing field” – 意味着公平竞争的环境。

例句:The new regulations aim to create a level playing field for all participants.

9. “Call the shots” – 意味着拥有决策权或控制权。

例句:As the team captain, she gets to call the shots.

10. “In the same league” – 意味着处于同一水平或同一类别。

例句:Their company is not in the same league as ours when it comes to innovation.

11. “Home stretch” – 意味着比赛或任务即将结束的阶段。

例句:We’re in the home stretch of the project, just a few more tasks to complete.

12. “Play by the rules” – 意味着遵守规则或法律。

例句:In order to maintain fairness, it’s important to play by the rules.

13. “Hit the nail on the head” – 意味着准确地说出或做出正确的事情。

例句:He hit the nail on the head when he identified the main issue.

14. “Out of left field” – 意味着突然出现或不符合预期。

例句:Her suggestion came out of left field and surprised everyone.

15. “Bend over backward” – 意味着尽力满足他人的要求或期望。

例句:The company bent over backward to accommodate the client’s needs.

16. “Hit the jackpot” – 意味着获得巨大的成功或回报。

例句:He hit the jackpot with his new business venture.

17. “Play the field” – 意味着尝试多个选择或机会。

例句:She’s not ready to settle down yet, so she’s playing the field.

18. “In the driver’s seat” – 意味着掌控局面或拥有主导地位。

例句:After years of hard work, she finally feels like she’s in the driver’s seat of her career.

19. “Back to square one” – 意味着回到起点或重新开始。

例句:After the project failed, they had to go back to square one and come up with a new plan.

20. “On the ropes” – 源自拳击比赛,意味着处于困境或被压制。

例句:The team was on the ropes, but they managed to turn the game around and win.

21. “Throw a curveball” – 意味着给出令人意想不到的信息或情况。

例句:The sudden change in plans really threw us a curveball.

22. “In the red” – 意味着处于财务困境或亏损状态。

例句:The company has been in the red for the past few years.

23. “Hit the target” – 意味着达到目标或成功。

例句:After months of hard work, they finally hit the target.

24. “Cover all the bases” – 意味着考虑到所有可能的情况或细节。

例句:He made sure to cover all the bases before making a decision.

25. “Take a rain check” – 意味着推迟或延期。

例句:I can’t make it to the party tonight, can I take a rain check?

26. “Keep your eye on the ball” – 意味着保持专注和集中注意力。

例句:In order to succeed, you need to keep your eye on the ball.

27. “Out of bounds” – 意味着超出允许的范围或不合规定。

例句:His behavior was out of bounds and not acceptable.

28. “Hit the ground” – 意味着开始行动或工作。

例句:We need to hit the ground running and start working on the project.

29. “Play it safe” – 意味着采取保守的做法或决策。

例句:He decided to play it safe and choose the more reliable option.

30. “In the hot seat” – 意味着处于困境或压力之下。

例句:As the CEO, she’s constantly in the hot seat and under scrutiny.



Sports Vocabulary in English

Sports play an important role in our lives, and it is no surprise that there is a wide range of vocabulary related to sports in the English language. Whether you are a sports enthusiast or just curious about the terminology, this article will introduce you to some commonly used sports vocabulary.

Let’s start with one of the most popular sports worldwide – soccer, or as it is known in North America, football. In soccer, you have terms such as goal, penalty, corner kick, and offside. For example, “The striker scored a fantastic goal from outside the penalty area.” In addition, there are positions on the soccer field, such as goalkeeper, defender, midfielder, and forward.

Moving on to another widely followed sport, basketball. Basketball has terms like dribble, shoot, rebound, and slam dunk. For instance, “The point guard showed exceptional dribbling skills and made a precise pass to his teammate.” Additionally, basketball has positions such as point guard, shooting guard, small forward, power forward, and center.

Tennis is another popular sport that has its own set of vocabulary. Terms like serve, volley, rally, and ace are commonly used. For example, “The player served an ace, leaving his opponent with no chance to return the ball.” In tennis, there are also different types of shots, including forehand, backhand, slice, and lob.

Moving on to a more physically demanding sport, let’s talk about boxing. In boxing, you have terms like knockout, punch, jab, and uppercut. For instance, “The boxer delivered a powerful uppercut, causing his opponent to fall to the ground.” Boxing also has weight classes, such as heavyweight, middleweight, and featherweight.

Next, let’s explore the vocabulary related to track and field events. In track and field, you have terms like sprint, long jump, high jump, and hurdles. For example, “The athlete won the gold medal in the 100-meter sprint, breaking the world record.” Track and field also includes events such as shot put, discus throw, and javelin throw.

Moving on to a sport that requires precision and concentration, let’s talk about golf. Golf has terms like tee, fairway, green, and putt. For instance, “The golfer hit a perfect tee shot, landing the ball in the middle of the fairway.” Golf also has different types of clubs, such as driver, iron, and putter.

Finally, let’s touch upon a sport that combines physical strength and strategy – rugby. In rugby, you have terms like scrum, try, conversion, and tackle. For example, “The player made a fantastic tackle, preventing the opponent from scoring a try.” Rugby also has positions such as prop, hooker, flanker, scrum-half, fly-half, and fullback.

These are just a few examples of the sports vocabulary that exists in the English language. Whether you are a fan of soccer, basketball, tennis, boxing, track and field, golf, rugby, or any other sport, learning the related vocabulary can enhance your understanding and enjoyment of the game. So, next time you watch a sports event or engage in a conversation about sports, you can impress others with your knowledge of sports terminology.