
In the English language, there are numerous words that possess multiple meanings, making them fascinating and versatile. These words have the power to convey different ideas and emotions depending on their context. For instance, the word “run” can refer to physical movement, such as jogging or sprinting, but it can also signify the operation of a machine or even the management of a business. Similarly, the word “light” can describe the opposite of darkness, but it can also represent something that weighs very little. These examples illustrate how a single word can encompass various interpretations, highlighting the complexity and richness of the English language.



1. Run


– I like to run in the park every morning.

– My father runs a successful business.

2. Rock


– The hiker climbed the rock to get a better view.

– The band played their favorite rock songs at the concert.

3. Bank


– I need to go to the bank to deposit some money.

– The children played by the river bank.

4. Bat


– The baseball player swung the bat and hit the ball.

– The bat flew silently through the night sky.

5. Bark


– The tree had a rough bark.

– The dog barked loudly when the doorbell rang.

6. Jam


– I spread some jam on my toast for breakfast.

– There was a traffic jam on the highway.

7. Watch


– I always wear a watch to keep track of time.

– Let’s watch a movie tonight.

8. Point


– The teacher pointed to the correct answer on the board.

– She made a good point during the discussion.

9. Foot


– I hurt my foot while playing soccer.

– The room is ten feet long.

10. Bowl


– She poured soup into a bowl for lunch.

– They went skiing down the bowl of the mountain.

11. Scale


– The scale on the thermometer showed a high temperature.

– The fish had shiny scales.

12. Key


– I can’t find the key to my car.

– Hard work is the key to success.

13. Box


– She opened the box and found a surprise gift inside.

– The two boxers entered the ring for a boxing match.

14. Seal


– He put a seal on the envelope to keep it closed.

– The children watched the seals play in the water at the zoo.

15. Ring


– He gave her a beautiful diamond ring for their engagement.

– The phone rang loudly in the middle of the night.

16. Wave


– The surfer rode the wave all the way to the shore.

– She waved goodbye as the train left the station.

17. Plant


– I watered the plants in my garden this morning.

– The factory is a manufacturing plant.

18. Match


– I watched the soccer match on TV last night.

– Do you have a match? I need to light the candle.

19. Club


– He is a member of the local tennis club.

– The golfer swung the club and hit the ball.

20. Trip


– They went on a trip to Europe during the summer.

– Be careful not to trip on the stairs.

21. Letter


– The English alphabet has 26 letters.

– She received a letter from her friend who lives abroad.




1. Run

在日常生活中,run通常表示奔跑的动作,比如”I run every morning.”(我每天早上跑步)。run还可以表示经营或管理,比如”John runs a small business.”(约翰经营着一家小企业)。

2. Set

Set可表示放置或安排,比如”Please set the table for dinner.”(请摆好餐桌准备晚餐)。set也可以表示一组或一套,比如”I bought a set of dishes.”(我买了一套盘子)。

3. Light

Light既可以表示光线,比如”The room is filled with light.”(房间里充满了光线),也可以表示轻的重量或力量,比如”The feather is very light.”(这根羽毛非常轻)。

4. Bank

Bank可以表示银行,比如”I need to go to the bank to deposit some money.”(我需要去银行存点钱)。bank还可以表示河岸,比如”We had a picnic by the river bank.”(我们在河岸边野餐)。

5. Bear

Bear可以表示熊,比如”I saw a bear in the forest.”(我在森林里看到了一只熊)。bear还可以表示忍受或承受,比如”She couldn’t bear the pain.”(她无法忍受那种痛苦)。

6. Break

Break可以表示打破或折断,比如”I accidentally broke the vase.”(我不小心打破了花瓶)。break还可以表示休息,比如”I need a break from work.”(我需要休息一下,远离工作)。

7. Runway

Runway通常表示飞机跑道,比如”The plane is taking off from the runway.”(飞机正在从跑道起飞)。runway也可以表示时装表演的T型台,比如”The models walked down the runway.”(模特们走上T型台)。

8. Rock

Rock可以表示岩石,比如”There are many rocks on the beach.”(海滩上有很多岩石)。rock还可以表示摇滚音乐,比如”I love listening to rock.”(我喜欢听摇滚音乐)。

9. Bat

Bat可以表示蝙蝠,比如”I saw a bat flying in the night sky.”(我看到一只蝙蝠在夜空中飞翔)。bat还可以表示球棒,比如”He hit the ball with a baseball bat.”(他用棒球棒击球)。

10. Jam

Jam可以表示果酱,比如”I spread jam on my toast.”(我在面包上涂果酱)。jam还可以表示拥堵,比如”There is a traffic jam on the highway.”(高速公路上堵车了)。

11. Pitch

Pitch可以表示音高,比如”His voice has a high pitch.”(他的声音音调很高)。pitch还可以表示投掷,比如”He pitched the ball to the batter.”(他向击球手投掷球)。

12. Bankrupt

Bankrupt表示破产,比如”The company went bankrupt.”(公司破产了)。bankrupt还可以表示彻底耗尽,比如”The long hike left me bankrupt of energy.”(长途徒步使我体力耗尽)。

13. Clip

Clip可以表示夹子,比如”I used a clip to hold my hair.”(我用夹子夹住了头发)。clip还可以表示剪辑,比如”I clipped the video to make it shorter.”(我剪辑了视频,使它更短)。

14. Face

Face可以表示脸,比如”She has a beautiful face.”(她有一张漂亮的脸)。face还可以表示面对,比如”We need to face the truth.”(我们需要面对事实)。

15. Bark

Bark可以表示树皮,比如”The bark of the tree is rough.”(树皮很粗糙)。bark还可以表示狗叫声,比如”The dog barked loudly.”(狗大声叫)。

16. Date

Date可以表示日期,比如”What is the date today?”(今天是几号?)。date还可以表示约会,比如”They went on a date last night.”(他们昨晚去约会了)。

17. Iron

Iron可以表示铁,比如”The iron is hot.”(铁很烫)。iron还可以表示熨斗,比如”I need to iron my clothes.”(我需要熨衣服)。

18. Present

Present可以表示礼物,比如”She gave me a present for my birthday.”(她给了我一份生日礼物)。present还可以表示现在,比如”He is present at the meeting.”(他在会议上出席)。

19. Wave

Wave可以表示波浪,比如”The waves crashed against the shore.”(海浪拍打着海岸)。wave还可以表示挥手,比如”She waved goodbye to her friends.”(她向朋友挥手告别)。

20. Square

Square可以表示正方形,比如”The table has a square top.”(桌子的顶部是正方形的)。square还可以表示广场,比如”We met at the town square.”(我们在市中心广场见面)。

21. Sound

Sound可以表示声音,比如”I heard a strange sound.”(我听到了奇怪的声音)。sound还可以表示健康的,比如”He is in sound mind and body.”(他身心健康)。
