
“Information Graphics: English Words Related to Employment and Work” presents a comprehensive visual representation of vocabulary pertaining to jobs and careers. This informative infographic highlights a wide range of terms that are essential for individuals seeking employment or looking to enhance their professional skills. From job titles and workplace environments to skills and qualifications, this visual aid offers a glimpse into the diverse aspects of the employment landscape. Whether it’s understanding the difference between a manager and a supervisor, or learning about the various stages of the recruitment process, this infographic provides a valuable resource for individuals navigating the world of work. For instance, it showcases how words like “resume,” “interview,” and “promotion” are integral to the job search journey, while also shedding light on industry-specific jargon such as “consulting,” “marketing,” and “entrepreneurship.” By visually presenting these words and concepts, this infographic serves as a helpful tool for both English language learners and professionals alike, enabling them to expand their vocabulary and better communicate in the realm of employment.





1. Resume(简历)



2. Cover letter(求职信)


![Cover Letter](

3. Interview(面试)


– Tell me about yourself.(请介绍一下自己。)

– What are your strengths and weaknesses?(你的优点和缺点是什么?)

– Why do you want to work for our company?(你为什么想要在我们公司工作?)


1. Meeting(会议)


– Agenda(议程)

– Minutes(会议纪要)

– Chairperson(主持人)

– Attendee(与会者)

2. Presentation(演示)


– Slides(幻灯片)

– Visual aids(视觉辅助工具)

– Audience(观众)

3. Email(电子邮件)


Subject: Job Application

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing to apply for the position of Marketing Manager at your company. Attached is my resume for your review.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experience can contribute to your team.

Best regards,

John Doe


1. Promotion(晋升)


– Promotion opportunity(晋升机会)

– Performance review(绩效评估)

2. Training(培训)


– Workshop(研讨会)

– Online course(在线课程)

3. Networking(人脉)


– Professional association(专业协会)

– Networking event(社交活动)




一、求职与招聘(Job Hunting and Recruitment)

1. Resume(简历): 一份简明扼要的个人工作经历和技能的总结。

示例:Please send your resume to

2. Interview(面试): 面试是雇主与求职者之间相互了解和评估的过程。

示例:I have an interview with a potential employer tomorrow.

3. Cover Letter(求职信): 一封附在简历上的信,用于介绍自己和表达求职意向。

示例:I wrote a cover letter to apply for the position.

4. Qualifications(资格): 指一个人具备的特定技能、学历或经验。

示例:He has the qualifications needed for the job.

5. Job Posting(招聘信息): 雇主发布的招聘职位的详细描述。

示例:I found a job posting for a marketing manager on a job board.

二、职位和职业(Positions and Occupations)

1. Manager(经理): 负责管理和指导团队的人。

示例:She is the manager of the sales department.

2. Engineer(工程师): 从事设计、建造或维护工作的专业人士。

示例:He works as a software engineer in a tech company.

3. Accountant(会计师): 负责记录和管理财务信息的专业人士。

示例:The company hired an accountant to handle their financial statements.

4. Secretary(秘书): 负责处理文件、安排会议和协助管理的人员。

示例:The secretary scheduled a meeting for the CEO.

5. Salesperson(销售员): 在商店或公司销售产品或服务的人。

示例:The salesperson convinced me to buy the latest smartphone.

三、办公室用语(Office Jargon)

1. Deadline(截止日期): 完成任务或项目的最后期限。

示例:The deadline for submitting the report is next Friday.

2. Meeting(会议): 人们聚集在一起讨论特定事项的活动。

示例:We have a team meeting at 10 am tomorrow.

3. Presentation(演示): 使用幻灯片或其他媒体展示信息的活动。

示例:She gave a presentation on the company’s new product.

4. Collaboration(合作): 与他人一起工作,共同实现目标。

示例:The team collaborated on the project and achieved great results.

5. Multitasking(多任务处理): 同时处理多个任务或活动。

示例:She is skilled at multitasking and can handle multiple projects at once.

四、工作技能(Work Skills)

1. Communication(沟通): 有效地传达和理解信息的能力。

示例:Good communication skills are essential for teamwork.

2. Leadership(领导能力): 在团队中指导、激励和管理他人的能力。

示例:He demonstrated strong leadership skills by successfully leading the project.

3. Problem-solving(解决问题): 分析和解决问题的能力。

示例:The team used their problem-solving skills to overcome the challenges.

4. Time Management(时间管理): 有效地安排和利用时间的能力。

示例:She is known for her excellent time management skills.

5. Adaptability(适应能力): 在不同环境和情况下快速适应和调整的能力。

示例:The candidate’s adaptability will be an asset in our fast-paced industry.
