
在医学领域,掌握英语医学单词是非常重要的。这些专业术语不仅能帮助医务人员准确交流,还能帮助患者更好地理解和描述自己的症状。举例来说,当患者出现“fever”(发烧)时,医生可以进一步询问“how high is your temperature?”(您的体温多高?)。了解英语医学单词对于医学专业人士和患者来说都是至关重要的。



1. Diagnosis (诊断)

– Definition: The identification of a disease or condition through examination, testing, and analysis of symptoms.

– Example: The doctor made a diagnosis of diabetes based on the patient’s blood sugar levels and symptoms.

2. Symptom (症状)

– Definition: A physical or mental indication of a disease or condition experienced by a patient.

– Example: Common symptoms of the flu include fever, cough, and body aches.

3. Treatment (治疗)

– Definition: Medical care provided to a patient to alleviate or cure a disease or condition.

– Example: The recommended treatment for this type of cancer is a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

4. Prescription (处方)

– Definition: A written order from a doctor for a specific medication or treatment.

– Example: The pharmacist filled the prescription for antibiotics to treat the patient’s bacterial infection.

5. Surgery (手术)

– Definition: The branch of medicine that involves using operative techniques to treat diseases or injuries.

– Example: The patient underwent heart surgery to repair a blocked artery.

6. Vaccine (疫苗)

– Definition: A biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular disease.

– Example: Children are often vaccinated against diseases such as measles, mumps, and rubella.

7. Allergy (过敏)

– Definition: An abnormal reaction of the immune system to a usually harmless substance.

– Example: The patient had an allergic reaction to peanuts, resulting in difficulty breathing and hives.

8. Rehabilitation (康复)

– Definition: The process of restoring someone’s physical or mental abilities through therapy and exercises.

– Example: After the accident, the patient underwent months of rehabilitation to regain strength and mobility.

9. Anesthesia ()

– Definition: The use of drugs to prevent pain and induce a temporary loss of sensation during a medical procedure.

– Example: The anesthesiologist administered general anesthesia to the patient before the surgery.

10. Radiology (放射学)

– Definition: The branch of medicine that uses medical imaging technologies to diagnose and treat diseases.

– Example: The doctor ordered a radiology scan to determine the cause of the patient’s persistent back pain.

11. Diabetes (糖尿病)

– Definition: A chronic condition characterized by high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood.

– Example: The patient with diabetes needs to monitor their blood sugar levels regularly and take insulin as prescribed.

12. Cardiology (心脏病学)

– Definition: The branch of medicine that deals with diseases and abnormalities of the heart.

– Example: The cardiologist performed an echocardiogram to assess the patient’s heart function.

13. Gastroenterology (胃肠病学)

– Definition: The branch of medicine that focuses on the digestive system and its disorders.

– Example: The patient was referred to a gastroenterologist for further evaluation of their chronic stomach pain.

14. Neurology (神经病学)

– Definition: The branch of medicine that deals with disorders of the nervous system.

– Example: The neurologist diagnosed the patient with multiple sclerosis based on their symptoms and MRI results.

15. Pediatrics (儿科学)

– Definition: The branch of medicine that focuses on the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents.

– Example: The pediatrician recommended a specific vaccination schedule for the newborn baby.





1. Disease (疾病):a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms.

示例:He was diagnosed with a rare disease that affects the nervous system.

2. Symptom (症状):a physical or mental feature that is regarded as indicating a condition of disease.

示例:One of the symptoms of COVID-19 is a persistent cough.

3. Fever (发烧):an abnormally high body temperature, usually accompanied by shivering, headache, and in severe instances, delirium.

示例:She had a high fever and was advised to rest and drink plenty of fluids.

4. Cough (咳嗽):a sudden, noisy expulsion of air from the lungs, often caused by irritation or infection in the air passages.

示例:He developed a persistent cough after being exposed to secondhand smoke.

5. Headache (头痛):a continuous pain in the head, often accompanied by sensitivity to light or sound.

示例:She took some painkillers to relieve her headache.


1. Heart (心脏):a muscular organ that pumps blood through the circulatory system.

示例:He underwent surgery to repair a blockage in his heart.

2. Lungs (肺):the pair of organs situated within the ribcage that allow for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide during respiration.

示例:Smoking can cause damage to the lungs and lead to respiratory diseases.

3. Stomach (胃):the internal organ in which the first part of the digestion process occurs.

示例:She experienced severe pain in her stomach after eating a large meal.

4. Kidneys (肾脏):a pair of organs responsible for filtering waste products from the blood and regulating fluid balance in the body.

示例:He was diagnosed with kidney failure and required dialysis.

5. Brain (大脑):the control center of the central nervous system, responsible for coordinating body functions and processing information.

示例:A traumatic brain injury can have long-lasting effects on cognitive function.


1. Diagnosis (诊断):the identification of a disease or condition based on its signs and symptoms.

示例:The doctor made a diagnosis of pneumonia based on the patient’s chest X-ray.

2. X-ray (X光):a type of electromagnetic radiation used to produce images of the internal structures of the body.

示例:The X-ray revealed a fracture in his left arm.

3. Surgery (手术):the branch of medicine that involves operative procedures to treat diseases, injuries, or deformities.

示例:She underwent surgery to remove a tumor from her abdomen.

4. Medication (药物):a substance used to treat, cure, or prevent a disease or medical condition.

示例:He was prescribed medication to control his high blood pressure.

5. Therapy (治疗):the treatment of a disease or medical condition through physical or psychological means.

示例:She underwent physical therapy to regain strength after a sports injury.


1. Anesthesia ():the use of drugs to induce a temporary loss of sensation or consciousness during surgery or other medical procedures.

示例:The patient was given anesthesia before the surgery to ensure a painless experience.

2. Oncology (肿瘤学):the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer.

示例:He specialized in oncology and dedicated his career to researching new cancer treatments.

3. Cardiology (心脏病学):the branch of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of disorders of the heart and blood vessels.

示例:She visited a cardiologist regularly to monitor her heart condition.

4. Dermatology (皮肤病学):the branch of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of disorders of the skin.

示例:The dermatologist prescribed a cream to treat her eczema.

5. Pediatrics (儿科学):the branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents.

示例:She decided to specialize in pediatrics because she had always loved working with children.
