
“夏天成语:与夏天有关的英语表达” explores a variety of idioms and expressions that are associated with the summer season. From describing the scorching heat to the vibrant colors of nature, these phrases vividly capture the essence of summer. For example, “dog days” refers to the hottest days of summer, while “sweating buckets” portrays the intensity of perspiration. Additionally, “in full bloom” depicts the blossoming of flowers, and “beach bum” represents someone who spends a lot of time at the beach. These idioms not only provide a glimpse into the cultural significance of summer but also offer a fun and engaging way to enhance our English language skills.


Summer is a vibrant season filled with warmth, sunshine, and endless possibilities. It is a time when nature flourishes, and people embark on exciting adventures. In Chinese culture, there are numerous idioms and expressions related to summer. In this article, we will explore some of these idioms and their English equivalents, allowing us to appreciate the beauty of summer in both languages.

1. 酷暑难耐 (kù shǔ nán nài) – Intolerable heat

English Equivalent: Sweltering heat

“The temperature in the city soared to 40 degrees Celsius, making it a sweltering heatwave.”

2. 炎炎夏日 (yán yán xià rì) – Scorching summer days

English Equivalent: Sizzling summer days

“The sizzling summer days call for a refreshing dip in the pool.”

3. 暑气逼人 (shǔ qì bī rén) – Suffocating heat

English Equivalent: Oppressive heat

“The oppressive heat made it difficult to breathe, prompting everyone to seek shade or air-conditioned spaces.”

4. 炎夏 (yán xià) – Hot summer

English Equivalent: Summer heat

“The summer heat is upon us, and it’s time to enjoy some ice cream or a cool drink.”

5. 烈日当空 (liè rì dāng kōng) – The scorching sun hangs high in the sky

English Equivalent: The sun beats down mercilessly

“With the sun beating down mercilessly, it’s crucial to stay hydrated and protect yourself from the harmful rays.”

6. 骄阳似火 (jiāo yáng sì huǒ) – The scorching sun is like fire

English Equivalent: The blazing sun

“Under the blazing sun, people sought shelter under umbrellas or in the shade of trees.”

7. 炎热难耐 (yán rè nán nài) – Intolerable heat

English Equivalent: Unbearable heat

“The unbearable heat forced many to retreat indoors, seeking solace in air-conditioned rooms.”

8. 清凉一夏 (qīng liáng yī xià) – A cool summer

English Equivalent: A refreshing summer

“The cool breeze and occasional rain showers made for a refreshing summer, providing relief from the usual heat.”

9. 烈日炎炎 (liè rì yán yán) – The sun is scorching

English Equivalent: The sun is blazing

“The sun is blazing, making it the perfect time to enjoy a day at the beach.”

10. 夏日炎炎 (xià rì yán yán) – Scorching summer days

English Equivalent: Hot summer days

“Hot summer days call for pool parties, barbecues, and outdoor fun.”

11. 盛夏时节 (shèng xià shí jié) – Midsummer

English Equivalent: The height of summer

“In the height of summer, the days are long, and the nights are filled with warmth and laughter.”

12. 炎夏季节 (yán xià jì jié) – Summer season

English Equivalent: Summer period

“The summer season brings with it a sense of freedom and adventure.”

13. 炎夏时光 (yán xià shí guāng) – Summer moments

English Equivalent: Summer memories

“Summer moments are often filled with joy, laughter, and unforgettable experiences.”

14. 暑气蒸人 (shǔ qì zhēng rén) – The heat is suffocating

English Equivalent: The heat is stifling

“The stifling heat made it difficult to concentrate or engage in any outdoor activities.”

15. 炙热夏天 (zhì rè xià tiān) – Scorching summer

English Equivalent: Blistering summer

“The blistering summer made it necessary to wear light, breathable clothing to stay comfortable.”

These idioms and expressions capture the essence of summer, highlighting the intense heat, the need for refreshment, and the importance of finding solace in cool spaces. By exploring the similarities and differences between Chinese and English expressions, we can appreciate the beauty of both languages while celebrating the joys of summer.




1. 炎炎夏日 (sweltering summer days)


示例:The sweltering summer days in Arizona can be unbearable, with temperatures reaching over 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. 烈日炎炎 (scorching sun)


示例:The scorching sun made it impossible to stay outside for long without feeling overheated.

3. 烈日当空 (hot sun overhead)


示例:With the hot sun overhead, it was a relief to find a shady spot under the tree.


1. It’s a scorcher! (天气很热!)

这句口语表达用来形容天气非常炎热。当气温升高,太阳炙烤大地时,人们会说“it’s a scorcher!”来形容天气的炎热程度。

示例:Be sure to stay hydrated today, it’s going to be a scorcher!

2. Beach bum (沙滩浪子)


示例:My brother is a beach bum, he spends every summer surfing and sunbathing.

3. Cool off (消暑)


示例:Let’s go to the pool and cool off, it’s too hot to stay indoors.

4. Summer fling (夏日风情)


示例:She had a summer fling with a lifeguard during her vacation in Hawaii.

5. BBQ (烧烤)


示例:Let’s have a BBQ in the backyard this weekend and invite our friends over.
